Lorna Jackson Public School Blog

New frontiers for new learning

YRDSB Survey for Parents/Guardians

YRDSB Survey for Parents/Guardians


We will be inviting parents/guardians to participate in a survey May 1-19, 2017. This survey provides an important opportunity for parent/guardian voice. Results will be used to guide planning to support student achievement and well-being.

You may complete the survey online or on paper. The online survey will be available in English. Paper surveys will be available from the school office in English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Farsi, Gujarati, Hebrew, Korean, Punjabi, Russian, Sri Lankan Tamil, Urdu and Vietnamese.

We value your input and encourage you to complete the survey. The information you provide will be anonymous, considered confidential and kept in strict accordance with all relevant legislation.
Information about how to access the online survey will be sent home with students at the end of April. Please contact the school if you have any questions.

THE BUNNY HOP Wednesday April 12, 2017 3:15-6:00p.m. On Wednesday April 12 Lorna Jackson PS will be celebrating the spring season with a Bunny Hop. The Easter Bunny will leave eggs for students to collect; there will be arts and crafts and cookie decorating centres set up in the library , as well, students will receive pizza and juice. There will be a $10.00 fee for participating in the Bunny Hop. All monies raised will be used by the Student Leadership Team to offset the cost of excursions.


Vimy ridge
The 100th Anniversary
The Royal Canadian Legion, Mackenzie Branch 414
would be like to invite you to
commemorate the centenary of
The Battle of Vimy Ridge in 1917.
The Parade will start at
Market Lane Shopping Centre parking lot
located at 141 Woodbridge Avenue at 7:20 p.m.
The Candlelight Vigil will take place at
the Woodbridge Cenotaph located at Wallace Street at 7:40 p.m.
Refreshments will be served afterwards
at the Woodbridge Legion, Branch 414 located at
60 Legion Court Road, Woodbridge, ON
If you would like to attend and if any organization and/or individual
would like to light a candle to commemorate
the sacrifices made by Canadians during WWI,
please e-mail rcl.br414@gmail.comĀ or call
Josie Fedele at 416-553-3196.



April 12, 2017 is the International Day of Pink. It is a day when communities across Canada and across the world unite to celebrate diversity and raise awareness about the need to stop homophobia, transphobia, discrimination and all forms of bullying. On this annual day in April, individuals wear pink to show respect for diversity and to demonstrate support for learning and working environments which are safe and inclusive of people from all different backgrounds.